
GitHub: AuAzureUG/AuAzureUG.github.io

www.AuAZUG.com - Australian Azure Users Group

Built with GitHub pages

Next meeting planned 6pm, Wed, April 27, 2022


General conduct

This is a commmunuty group with a goal to learn about Azure and related technologies. Whilst Azure is from Microsoft we want to foster a community of learning not sales. We favour great explainations and sharing success and failure using over slick presentations.

Play nice and be respectful Comments in person or on a feed or post:

Privacy disclaimer

When you join virtual meetings, your name, email address and/or phone number may be viewable by other session participants in the attendee list. By joining, you’re agreeing to this experience. Where we use StreamYard or YouTube this information is not shared with us.

Events may be recorded for our community; if you object to this then please contact community leaders. When a meeting recording starts in Microsoft Teams shows a notification to all participants on the Teams desktop, web, and mobile apps, as well as to people who joined via phone.


We want to run a group which is fair and inclusive. The decision of the community leaders is final.

Jobs and recruitment

Should anyone feel members are not adhering to the spirit of these rules please contact the community leaders.


Intro music: thanks to josephmcdade.com